is the only omnichannel tool
for real-time customer
satisfaction measuring.
How it works?
Customer uses a service
Customer gets a call to rate via text message or e-mail
Customer rates the service
Who benefits?
Why InstantFeedback?
High responsiveness and reasoning:
- half of the invited customers submit a grade
- half of these parties submit a comment.
Integrated systems:
- no extra work for the staff. InstantFeedback can be integrated with any CRM system (or any other enterprise system).
The objectivity of ratings:
- customers dare give criticism due to the selection of the right channels
- measurement immediately after the experience allows customers to give their opinion on the experience and not the general opinion about the company.
Timeliness of action:
- get real-time feedback on dissatisfied customers and opportunity to act immediately.
I’d like to try!
Not sure whether customers will give you feedback on your service?
They will. We are sure.